What Changes The Way You Think and Do What You Don’t – Mindset

Written by Anthony Charles

Anthony Charles is a Web Designer and Hosting @Tanzlite | Content Writer

November 17, 2023

The content you consume, the people you talk to, and the videos you watch heavily influence the person you are and how you think. 

It may sound like a simple observation, but in reality, it has profound implications for you. Let me explain. 

Habit build character

If you spend so much time watching half-naked videos on social media means you are training your mind to think about nothing but objectifying nakedness. This is the kind of mindset and focus you are likely to carry into your life and ultimately pursue. 

Similarly, if you surround yourself with people who value reading books, writing, and watching thought-provoking movies, you will naturally begin to embody those same habits – whether you like or not.

Repetition really converts

People might be telling you, “Hey Anthony, let’s start gambling.” Initially, you might refuse, knowing the negative outcomes of such activities.

But as they keep telling and sharing their winning, they come back to you with tales of victory – “Today I won 50,000/=, the next day 200,000/=” and still you’re in that bond, slowly you’re convinced to give it a try, once you begin you are done.

Why do people find it hard to quit gambling? Simple, because it’s an addiction game. 

What set back the way you think?

The thing that holds us back is the desire for belonging. We all want to fit in and be accepted by our peers. We constantly kill our creativity by comparing ourselves to others, thinking, “How will my friends me if I do this? I want to be like someone”.

See also  Introducing Tanzlite Host: The New Web Hosting Player in Tanzania

Not bad! but question yourself, is that what you want to be associated with? Will it help you make a step ahead? People who do their things without caring the other side as long as what they do is right are the ones who kick the five stars. 

 Be Yourself. Everyone else is already taken ~ Oscar Wilde

Don’t get me wrong, there are some jobs, and activities that are safe, good, and need to be done in a team so, you just have to balance the equation.

Living the life you want sometimes requires making difficult decisions to mold the future you want to live in, no matter how painful it is as nobody will come and live your life. You’re the one to decide before things go wrong.

How your brain functions

Your brain is like an AI that produces outputs based on the inputs it receives. If you constantly fill it with false information, misguided influences, and negative associations, it will produce the same too and vice versa is true.

What makes you stand out?

Think about this, if everything you learn and absorb can be easily learned and mastered by others, then what sets you apart? How will you stand out if you’re just following the crowd and doing what everyone else is doing? 

The key to standing out lies in seeking out knowledge and experiences that are unique and uncommon. Understanding this will give you another test of being in a lifelong learning mode. 

The key takeaway here is to choose wisely the environment you associate with. Surround yourself with people who align with your goals and aspirations. Seek out a community that supports what you do and how you think. 

See also  The Truth About Becoming Who You Want To Be as a Young

You do that, you create an atmosphere that propels your growth.


  1. Wilson

    Lovely througputs brother. You should have a go at this book on habits it called “Atomic habits” its a mural of habit and a pronciple for those aiminf to change.

    See you on the next post!

    • Anthony Charles

      I have already read it. Thanks you Wilson and welcome again.


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